

非洲研究 examines the history, politics, society, and culture of people descended 来自非洲大陆和散居海外的非洲人. 课程作业深入研究 social justice and issues of race and racism, challenging students to ask difficult 问题. 学生们还将探索非洲的艺术、文学和文化, 西印度群岛和非裔美国人.




学生 work with faculty to construct an individualized pathway of study that emphasizes three critical methods: an anti-essentialist investigation of the variegated meanings of African and diasporic identities; a rigorous introduction to diverse methodological perspectives; and an intercultural perspective that places African and Afro-diasporic 经验s 在学习的中心.  了解更多



学生 examine the many identities and worldviews of people from the continent of Africa and its overlapping diasporas across the globe, paying close attention to cultural, 政治、历史和社会学动态为“黑人”提供信息." 




安邓肯系主任; 教授,美国研究和宗教



伊莲·弗朗索瓦,副教授,女性,性别 & 性研究





Janet Shope,社会学教授 & 人类学


罗里•特纳社会学实践教授 & 人类学


Africana studies students at 云顶集团 have the opportunity to engage with Africa and 其侨民通过学院广泛的出国留学机会. 下面是 just a handful of study abroad programs that Africana studies students can participate 作为云顶集团的学生


云顶集团 College offers an intensive three-week January program in 南非 that 通过艾滋病毒/艾滋病危机的镜头审视不平等和社会政策. 三分之二 of the persons living with HIV/AIDS are in sub-Saharan Africa, and 南非 has 是世界上艾滋病毒/艾滋病发病率最高的国家之一. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行反映了 剥夺、剥夺权力和依赖的社会断层线. 南非提供优惠 an interesting context for exploring how differential 云顶集团 resources influences 风险.

这 intensive course abroad will introduce students to primary and secondary education 在南非Grahamstown的乡镇和农村学校. 参与者将 design and implement lesson plans focusing on basic reading and English concepts for 南非五年级到八年级的学生. 参与者将设计和实施 lessons that encourage the development of 南非n learners' reading, thinking, 排版和内容领域技能. 一门以南方历史为重点的课程 Africa, culture and customs unique to the Eastern Cape region, and rural education 将于每年5月在南非举行.


这 three-week course is your opportunity to 经验 firsthand the enduring and changing West African culture through intensive interdisciplinary study of 加纳's 以及贝宁的习俗、社会制度和艺术. 本课程内容广泛 travel throughout West Africa, including lectures on West African religion, history, 和艺术. You'll go on field excursions to meet artists, see theatrical and dance performances, visit cultural museums, and take intensive classes in West African drumming, dance, 和更多的.

这 semester or yearlong program examines 加纳's social, economic, and political 特性. 考虑的主题范围从教育和宗教传统独特到 Africa to the impact of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade to the role of Queenmothers 在Krobo. 加纳北部的专题研讨会探讨了诸如这种对比之类的主题 between Western and traditionally trained midwives to the role of local markets in 全球经济.

这 semester program examines the global dispersions of peoples and cultures of African ancestry, including their growing impact on world economies, politics of ethnicity 以及归属感,审美和物质文化,以及意识形态. 该项目提供 a unique opportunity to learn about numerous distinct cultures as well as an in-depth 加纳在非洲乃至世界的领导地位的历史. 学生将 住在充满活力的海岸角社区.


In 1994, 卢旺达 was the site of one of the most atrocious genocides in contemporary 人类历史上. 在100天的时间里,大约有100万人被杀,结果 在一个支离破碎的国家. 自1994年以来,卢旺达的建设和平进程 been successful in restoring trust in state institutions, engaging 卢旺达ns in the 重建可持续的和解,克服种族分裂. 在 this semester program, students will be based in Kigali, 卢旺达's capital, a medium-sized 这座现代化的城市反映了从种族灭绝中成功恢复的迹象 持久的贫困. 学生们将学习种族灭绝后的恢复与和平建设, 卢旺达语,并进行一个独立的研究项目.


Based in Kampala, 乌干达's capital city, this semester program offers an in-depth, hands-on practicum with one of the country's many international or grassroots development 为各机构提供更深入了解发展工作的实践. 学生 investigate the impact and accompanying issues of 乌干达n progress in HIV/AIDS prevention, 人权、基层发展、小额信贷和社区保护. 通过 field visits to rural areas of 乌干达 and a comparative excursion to 卢旺达, students 在他们学习的过程中,探索“开发行业”修辞之外的东西 关于这个不断变化的国家和地区的各种优势和需求.

机会 & 实习


实习 help students explore possibilities, apply classroom learning, and gain 经验. 探索 实习和学分选择.


学生就业 为学生提供校内和校外的机会. 职业教育办事处 provides resources and support to students with or without Federal Work Study to find 工作,提交申请,并了解更多关于求职过程. 学生们 云顶集团 握手 — a website for job postings, events, resumes/cover letters, and career management.

主要 & 生涯探索

Exploring career options, choosing a major, and making career decisions is a multi-step 鼓励所有学生尽早和经常参与的过程. 云顶集团学生 有各种各样的资源可以通过 专业和职业页面 在这个过程中帮助他们.


云顶集团教育为学生准备今天的就业市场和未来. 学生 能透过网站寻找工作机会及查阅求职资源吗 CEO职位搜索页面.

研究生 & 专业学校

学生可以云顶集团资源来搜索和申请研究生和专业 学校通过 首席执行官研究生和专业学校页面, through faculty and staff members, or utilizing their own resources, network and 工具.


云顶集团 College and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School are offering 云顶集团学生 学士学位和硕士学位相结合的课程. 这 4 + 1项目 combines a bachelor’s degree from 云顶集团 with a master of science degree from Johns Hopkins in business analytics and 风险 management, information systems, health care 管理、财务或市场营销. 学生可以在大三的时候申请. GRE考试 or GMAT tests have been waived but applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25分或以上,通过部分定量推理课程,成绩为 B或更好.